Women's Eight Head of the River Race

The Draw for the Women’s Eights Head of the River Race 2025 is here: Draw

BROE2 has now been reopened so that changes to crew order and substitutions under the British Rowing Rules of Racing can be made.

  • Any substitutions which would change more than half of the crew will only be permitted on the basis of medical evidence produced by the crew or its club and must be agreed with the Entries Secretary.
  • Any substitutions which create a higher status crew will automatically move the crew to Open (so remaining eligible for the Head Pennant and given a finish position).
  • No Pennant changes can now be made other than dropping out of a category (e.g. becoming ineligible for the Club Pennant, so moving from ‘Challenge Club’ to ‘Challenge’).

More information can be found on our FAQs page.

Please contact the Entries Secretary by email entrysec@wehorr.org with any queries, and remember to state your Club/Crew Name and CREW ID.

Clean Sport Statement

The Women's Eights Head of the River Race is committed to Clean Sport. All athletes, athlete support personnel and clubs are bound and must abide by the World Anti-Doping Agency Code. Athletes competing at WEHORR could be tested at any time. To understand more about anti-doping, the rules and your responsibilities, go to British Rowing's anti doping pages or email antidoping@britishrowing.org